Passwords are like Underwear!

Passwords are like Underwear!

This talks to the dangers of sharing your password. You wouldn’t show off undies to anyone, same with your PW. Make it a habit to change it regularly. Use #antivirus too to determine whether the site you are giving your password to is safe or not. Check the best on

Follow these common guidelines and you’ll keep your information under virtual lock and key:

  • Use a minimum password length of 8-10 characters.
  • Include upper and lower case.
  • Include special characters (!@#$%^&*).
  • Include numeric characters (1234567890)
  • Use different passwords for different sites.
  • Avoid passwords that repeat the same dictionary or common word (dogdog), letter or number sequences (asdf1234), a relative or family pet’s name, birth dates, addresses and phone numbers are also a bad idea.
  • Avoid using simple obfuscation by replacing letters with numbers of symbols that are similar. For example: p@ssw0rd.
  • Use your own device especially for personal activities like online banking, shopping, etc. as you never know if someone else’s device is infected with malware or has keylogger that can track/store everything you type on their keyboard.
  • Avoid using common passwords.

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