Secure your computer! Secure yourself!

Secure your computer! Secure yourself!

Secure your computer, Secure yourself!

Computer Security Day on November 30th reminds us to protect our computers. Every day, computers become faster and more advanced. Protecting the resources, tools, and information on them protects the people who use them, too. 

Computer security is the protection of computer systems and data from harm, theft, and unauthorized use. It is the process of preventing and detecting unauthorized access and use of your computer.

Computer system that needs to be protected are:

Hardware, the physical part of the computer.

Firmware, permanent software that is etched into a hardware.

Application software like word processor, internet browser etc.

Computer security threats are becoming inventive these days. There is much need for one to arm oneself with information and resources to safeguard against these complex and growing computer security threats and stay safe online. Some preventive steps you can take include:

  • Installing reliable, reputable security and anti-virus software
  • Activate your firewall, because a firewall acts as a security guard between the internet and your local area network 
  • Stay up-to-date on the latest software and news surrounding your devices and perform software updates as soon as they become available
  • Avoid clicking on email attachments unless you know the source 
  • Avoid login from different systems. Avoid other personals to use your computer or laptop
  • Always log off from app, website, computer, from every software, you are not using
  • Change passwords regularly, using a unique combination of numbers, letters, symbols and case types
  • Use the internet with caution and ignore pop-ups, drive-by downloads while surfing
  • Avoid creating your account on every or any website.
  • Do not share your personal information at any website or application.
  • Install program that you use only. Uninstall program you don't use.
  • Avoid pirated or cracked software.
  • Taking the time to research the basic aspects of computer security and educate yourself on evolving cyber-threats
  • Perform daily full system scans and create a periodic system backup schedule to ensure your data is retrievable should something happen to your computer.